Wednesday, October 05, 2016

More Views In and Around Albox

The Wassy, possibly our favorite coffee bar because of its conservatory for keeping warm in the winter without seeming to be indoors

 no idea what these are called but the scent was wonderful wafting on the breeze

 possibly the best all round ferreteria ( all purpose building materials and general hardware store) in Albox

another great cafe

 Heaven is always a great place for a coffee 

another street in Albox

Ah, the first of the day is usually the best!

this is one of a number of street cleaners who seem to have a patch all to themselves

a couple of generations

local craftware

beautiful stone

the same the whole world over

the hardware and the wood work is quite delightful to see

just love the S which has been placed the wrong way round

iron work and colour

just so delicate and beautiful

the road leading into Albox which is lined with numerous large  garden, hardware, motor and building supply outfits

the daily ritual for these two guys

a beautifully carved statue

one part ot the Rambla which takes mountain rainwater through the town and away safely. Most years, although not this, it is awash with flood water from one side to the other on occasions.

ah, where the nectar comes from

and Heaven again

more colour and tracery

strolling through the back streets of Albox

where miracles are performed

a new coffee bar


early morning sun over Albox

beautiful balconies and wrought iron work

a colder coffee morning

safely asleep in the tree

as seen with a drink

and without

marble stair case and balustrade

our own Lidl

more wonderful wood work

the rambla looking towards the mountains

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